‼️ Sharing some very exciting news…
I’ve been accepted into the Master of Arts Program at NYU - Teaching Dance in the Professions: ABT Pedagogy! 😱⚰️
I’m beyond thrilled to join the @abtofficial @abtschool @abtstudioco and @nyuniversity @nyusteinhardt @nyusteinhardtmpap and @nyudanceed families!! 💖
Thank you to @pamela.s.levy and @allegraromita for your steadfast guidance throughout the application process. Many thanks to @raymondlukens Franco Devita and @iamkelbybrown for my letters of recommendation. Special shout outs to @wthornbu for the brotherly wisdom, @somebodythescout for the push, and @acdancenj for always believing in me. ✨
With the ABT/NYU Master’s Program, I’m taking a deep dive into the curriculum, getting full certification, and joining a community who share my passion for dance, teaching, and learning. I’m growing personally and professionally to have the greatest impact on my students and I can’t wait to share my knowledge with you!! 📚🤓🩰💃🏼❤️
#balletwithhilary #ballet #abt #abtschool #abtstudiocompany #nyu #nyusteinhardt #nyusteinhardtmpap #nyudanceed #newyorkcity #masters #dance #education #lifelonglearning #reels #explore #instagood #goals #gratitude #happy #dreambig #nyusteinhardtbound @debdamast
